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With his tiled roofs and his southernmost light, one would almost compare
it with an Italian city. Rich person of more than 2000 years of history,
Angouleme especially will experience a strong development with the Middle
Ages, as still testify the layout to it to the rampart supplemented
in XIIIème century by two new enclosures, the sinuous streets,
memory of compartmental medieval, but also
The Art Nouveau and Art Deco
make their appearance at the beginning of the XXeme century and are
represented in Angouleme by private houses or public buildings (library
CCAS, elementary school Mario Roustan…). Since the end of the XXeme century, the old districts are rehabilitated and the city obtains a contemporary architectural heritage like the National center of the Cartoon and the Image builds by the architect Castro (1985-1991) or even the College of the Image and the Sound of Angouleme works of Morisseau (1989-1990). The city is also avoided
as of 1998 of painted walls which introduce
into the urban landscape of many characters of the Cartoon, thus affirming
the position of Angouleme like capital of the cartoon. A circuit of
these walls is possible besides and it is currently
composed of a score of painted walls. The beginning of the 21st century is marked by important work like the construction of the viaduct of Anguienne (work an overall length of 400 m and which crosses the valley with more than 40 meters height). The possibilities are extremely numerous in Angouleme that one is to 2 or in family, the activities are multiple and each one will find its happiness there. That one comes there of in love to stroll, in family or between friends to discover the cartoon, or into greedy to visit the Cognac cellars in particular, a stay in Angouleme will not leave indifferent… top page Thanks to the tourist office of Angouleme for the photographs. TO KNOW You need more information about the city of Angouleme, contact: info@itinerairesbis.com top page Return
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