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in Xania













































in French

Map of Crete

Map of Xania (or Chania or La Canée) with the main places of visit

Address of Consulate of Britain in Xania, useful phone numbers in Chania

Visit the Archaeological site of Aptera (in French)

Rent a cars in Xania

Informations about the city of Chania


Chania is in the west of Cretepicture white montains Lefka Ori, it’s the second most big city of the island. It was besides the capital of Crete until 1971 when it yields its place to Héraklion. Most of the department is occupied by the white mountains, Lefka Ori. It is the most mountainous area of the island. The chain of these mountains measures 40km and the highest top 2453m. Snow until May there is often found. These are the mountains which form celebrates it throat of Samaria, well-known hikers. In the North-East of Chania is the largest natural port of Souda. Chania is regarded as one of the most beautiful towns of Crete and nicely called the diamond of Crete.

picture market hall in xaniaTo organize your walk, we advise you to leave the place of the market hall. That goes back to 1913 and it joins together 76 stores offering the products of the area. A visit is essential obviously because it’s not only appreciated by the tourists but also by the buildings. Leave then by the western door and take the steps, you will arrive thus directly on the commercial streets, picture orthodoxe cathedral in xaniain particular on the street Mousouron. You will follow then this street animated towards north then will turn left to reach the street Skrydlof, one of the most typical streets of the city. This mall will carry out you on the street Halidon which you will go down to reach the place of the orthodoxe Greek Cathedral, going back to 1860 and which faces the small Catholic church that you will find on the pavement of opposite.     top of page

Just near the Catholic church, the archaeological museum which took seat in the old franciscain’s convent and which contains picture walls byzantine in xaniathe various things finds made in the department. It is rather instructive, damage which the personnel tracks you to prevent you from being too close to a window, to want to take such photograph. In short, interesting visit but stressing.

While leaving the museum on your left, you continue will arrive at the end of the street Halidon you will take the street Karaoli on your line which will carry out you to the old walls of the Byzantine time. You will picture minoan village in xaniaassemble towards your left the street Katré to reach the old Minoan village, then if you continue on the street Kanevaro you will pass in front of the remainders of an old Venetian convent going back to 1615. However, to come to this old convent does not have any interest as you will be able note it, but it is the picture venetian headlight in xaniawalk through these streets which is interesting, the more so as after being last in front of this old convent, you will arrive directly on the Venetian port with the buildings of the shipyards of the XIV and XVIe century and the Large Arsenal. Descend the steps then and take on your line to reach the dam and to skirt it to the Venetian headlight, restored during the Turkish occupation what explains its form making think of a minaret. The walk will be very pleasant. You will have on a side the sea whipping the rocks and other the port of Chania with its so picturesque buildings.     top of page

picture minaret in xaniaIt will then be necessary for you to reconsider your steps to reach the coloured place and its taverns. You will pass then in front of the mosque Tzami de Kiüçük Hassan of 1645. At this time take it time to make a halt and take seat with the terrace of a coffee to taste quite fresh Ouzo, for example. You will begin again then your strolls while continuing along the quay to arrive at the western end of the port with the Firka Fortress which shelters the naval museum of Crete. Circumvent it and assemble the street Theotokopoulou, you will notice on your left the small Byzantine church of San Salvator XV and XVIIe century e which contains the Byzantine collection and post-Byzantine of the city. picture typical house in wood in xaniaThis level there, you are in the district known as of Topana, i.e. from the old Turkish explosives magazine and while continuing the street you will go down on the street Douka to arrive at the aristocratic district of Chania. You will often have to raise the eyes to notice the traces of the past. While following this maze of narrow and variegated streets you will end up returning on the old city and the street Halidon.     top of page

But one should not remain about it there, thinking of having seen all of Chania. The part is, is quite as interesting, even if less typical and less sharp, because one practically does not cross there tourists. But that will allow you go in one of the districts where the Turkish influence is still quite visible. You will then reach the Splantzia placepicture st nicolas's church in xania and its church Saint Nicolas of 1204. The latter was transformed into mosque during the occupation of Turkish, from where the presence of a minaret. At the end of the place, the small church San Rocco of 1630 which one could almost not notice. We can also push our visit towards the Halèpa district where we will discover houses of Master of the XIXe century.picture mosque in xania The place is not uninteresting, it gives an indication of what can be Chania of this time, splendid and powerful. We will regret nevertheless seeing the majority of these splendid or not maintained given up residences.     top of page

picture port and restaurants in xaniaSide shopping, Chania is a good place to make its shopping. The city is not more expensive than elsewhere in Crete, to see even some more interesting time on the level price. The tradesmen are there very sympathetic nerves and can show a great patience in front of the often undecided tourist vis-a-vis a purchase. As a whole people are rather charming there and it east can be the department of Crete where they are most accessible.picture little streets in xania

How to park itself in Chania if you catch your car? And well the paying parking lots around the historical center many and are clearly shown. You will have the choice with carparks with ticket machines or many private carparks. It should be noted that the latter, having sliding scale tariffs compared topicture master house in xania the number of hour, can prove more interesting than a public carpark.

Our visit of Chania is thus completed, but it finishes with a little nostalgic note, when one sees the enormous inheritance and all the possibilities that this city could still offer to the visitors. That things it still remains to make to return to the Diamond of Crete its glare of the past.     top of page

picture boats in port of xaniaTO KNOW

You need more informations about the city of Chania ou Xania, contact: info@itinerairesbis.com     top of page


picture entrance in the port of xaniaThalita 17


Telephone : 0030 2810 224012

picture venetian port in xaniaFax : 0030 2810 243935

E.mail : crete@british-consulate.gr     top of page

Useful phone numbers in Chania

Police: 100

Tourist Police: +30 22810 73333picture door of the chapel St nicolas in xania

Chania airport: +30 22810 63264

Olympic Airways: +30 22810 57701

Xania hospital: +30 22810 27231

Return choice Crète

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