Some hints for your visit to France |
Saint Hymer (Normandy) information about the city of Saint Hymer This small village located at 3 km
of peaceful and undulating Pont-l'Evêque , was formerly a significant
priory. It was rested by Hugues de Montfort between 1066 and 1077.
For the beginning this priory was provided regular canons ordered
into collegial, then in 1147 the monks of the abbey of the "Bec
Hellouin" occupied the places and so the abbey passed under
the supervision of the Benedictines.
You can currently visit the church with the beautiful stained glasses which were not destroyed by the bombardments, and the cloister. While walking in the gardens to imagine the monastic life of the abbey. Moreover it reigns such an atmosphere, that if it were not an old people's home today, a monk could emerge with the turning of the path missel to the hand. The road of " the douets " (brooks in Norman) passes by here and feeds a very old laundrette, these brooks also sprinkle beautiful properties as well as an old water mill which was reconverted in rooms of hosts (very pleasant). While walking you can also meet roe-deers when that is not the season of hunting. Nowadays the abbey depends on the hospital of Pont-l'Evêque and shelters the old people's home. Do not seek trade in this small borough, it does not have there. On the other hand, you will be able to be restored in a small inn where appears it one eats there very well (we did not test yet). You need more information about the city of Saint Hymer, contact: info@itinerairesbis.com www.itinerairesbis.com, thank's for your visit. |
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