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Visit MURCIA city in Spain


Information for the city of Murcie, the churchs in Murcie

events in murcie, Murcie'streets, cribs of Murcie

Click to enlargeMurcia is girl of the desert. At the same time wild by the aridity of its climate, captivating by the magnificence of its inheritance and its history, Murcia is full with contrasts. The city was founded in year 831 by Abderrahmane II in the center of the valley of the Segura River. Arab time the city kept the wall which surrounded it, whose some vestiges are still visible at various places of the city. It measured 15 m height and wasClick to enlarge composed of 95 turns. An importance which is also highlighted through the many archaeological discoveries, like those of palate type, carried out with the Convent of Las Claras. The Christian city it also left its marks with in particular two of its principal arteries, Platería and Trapería, still witnesses of the Click to enlargeintense corporative activity which developed in the big city. However, it will be only starting from XVIeme century, and particularly with XVIIIeme, that Murcia will reach an urban splendor which will lead it to extend beyond its walls with in particular from splendid examples from Baroque architecture to the Sanctuary from Fuensanta or the Monastery from San Jerónimo the, known one like “Escurial de Murcia”.     top of the page

Click to enlargeMultiple churches will rise in the city, mainly baroques as well as temples like those of Merced, Saint Michel, Sainte Anne, Las Claras, Sainte Eulalia, or Saint Jean de Dieu, which unite with their artistic architectures, an important pictorial and sculptural inheritance, with the works carried out by Francisco de Salzillo. The first temple of Murcia is its Cathedral, its contruction started towards the end of XIVeme Click to enlargecentury and present of the Gothic elements such as the door of the Apostles and the vault of Los Vélez, of the element of the Renaissance, as it is the case of the Vault of Junterón, and baroques, among which one distinguishes his frontage, conceived as a gigantic retable of Jaime Bort, with a good mixture of sculpture and architecture. Its tower is also singular: it measures 92 m height and was built in several stages between XVIeme and the XVIIIeme century. Beside the Cathedral, the Episcopal Palate also of the XVIIIeme century and the old grain silo, known under the name of El Almudi, are other elements testifying to constructive rise reaches at that time.     top of the page

Click to enlargeBut Murcia also kept its streets and its places of the XIXeme century, splendid examples of architecture, such as the Town hall, the Victoria Hotel, the Romea Theater and particularly the Casino. It is about a building built in 1847 and increased as from 1902, and whose decorations are of a great interest, quoting, for example, its ballroom, the patio néonazariClick to enlarge or the library, without forgetting its frontage decorated with an important sculptural decoration. All this artistic and historical richness is manifest in the museums which the city has, the such Archaeological Museum, that of Beautiful arts or that of Salzillo where one can contemplate the tanks created by the sculptor murcian for the procession of the morning of the Holy Friday, like his famous crib, starting pointClick to enlarge of one of the artisanal traditions most anchored to Murcia.

And of the close friend union who exists between Murcia and the River Segura, the bridges like the “Old Bridge” or Puente Viejo, are there like attaching the past, the present and the future. Murcia besides is a dynamic city which likes to animate its streets and to receive events.     top of the page

Click to enlargeThus the Holy Week, with obvious influences of the “huerta” of Murcia, exhibe in the streets sculptures of Salzillo beside those of other important artists. The “huerta” is also the protagonist of Bando, one of principal the ceremony of the festivals known as of spring. Along one day, the “huerta” seizes the city and the costumes show their union. The Burial of Sardine,Click to enlarge for its part, is crowning of the aforesaid festivals. It is a multicoloured procession, with tanks and thousands of gifts for the public which encumbers the streets of Murcia. People also come to the Fair from Murcia, in Romería, during which they accompany the owner by the city, the Virgin of Fuensanta, to her Sanctuary. But passed with the outside of the city, nature opens its arms to you and accommodates you in the middle of valleys offering of the landscapes of any beauty. You will be able to practice there excursion and VTT within a splendid and natural framework.     top of the page

Click to enlargeThe gastronomy also has an important place, one says that here them Tapas are an art! The pork-butchery with its morcillas, its languanisse, its soubressade or its chorizo is a delight. The rice brought back by Arabic is the base of several mets. The migas are a treat and obviously the vegetables are with the honor as in any Mediterranean country. Not do not forget that the vines give rise to excellent wines and that the proximity of the shore makes that the fish has a beautiful place in the kitchen of Murcia with in particular the “sardine Moraga”. You will certainly be allured by the perfumes which will emanate from these pots, letting predict savors which will put to you in appetite.     top of the page

Another asset of the area, its craft industry. Click to enlargeThe cribs are a tradition, the crib carried out at the XVIIeme century, by the sculptor murciano Francisco Salzillo on ordering of a friend and patron Jesualdo Riquelme, is splendid and it is carried out with more than 500 parts. But the traditional pottery, just like leather, wood or metal belong to the knowledge to make area of Murcia. A beautiful range of memories to be brought back in your luggage !     top of the page

Click to enlargeBetween history and nature, Murcia offers opportunity to you of combining the culture and the sports activities. It enables you to plunge in the middle them traditions just like to leave to discovered of wild territories. You will be able at the same time to share intense moments with the population at the time of local festivals for example, just like you will be able to find the escape and the rest beyond the walls of the city.     top of the page

Many thanks to the tourist office of Murcia for its assistance and the photos which enable us to laced our text.


Tourism office of Murcia

Plaza Cardenal Belluga

Edificio Ayuntamiento

30004 Murcie (Murcie)


Tel : 0034 968 358 749

Fax : 0034 968 358 748

E.mail : informacion.turismo@ayto-murcia.es

Site Internet : www.murciaciudad.com     top of the page

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