Some hints for your visit to France |
new show of Crazy Horse Désirs Address of Crazy Horse, timetable of the representations, access The screens of Crazy Horse Paris is now “not smoker” Désirs is the new spectacle of Crazy Horse, signed Philippe Decouflé & Ali Mahdavi. Femininity, creativity and audacity… Désirs wraps us a such unforgettable dream!
On scene, the girls of Crazy, sensual, mischievous and evocative of the legend, compose stars of this mythical sky of the Parisian night! Crazy Horse remains a place to be discovered or re-discover, because it did not finish making dream. You will be able to know the tariffs and to reserve online as of now by visiting this link top page TO KNOW Address : CRAZY HORSE PARIS Days and timetable of the spectacles : Sunday to Friday: 20H15 & 22H45 Saturdays: 19H00, 21H30 & 23H45
Fax: 0033 - (0) 1 47 23 48 26 E.mail: Website : top page Access : Paying public carpark : Alma-George V (20 meters) Carpark bus : quay Albert Ier Subway : line 9, Alma-Marceau station or also line 1 station George V The RER : line A, station Charles de Gaulle-Etoile top page Return choice,
thanks you for your visit.
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