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Visit SAN REMO city on Riviera dei Fiori

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The market days in San Remo

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click to enlargeAt only 1/2h by road of Monaco, the Italian city of San Remo, on Riviera dei Fiori, is obviously known in the whole world for its culture of the flowers and its processions of tanks on arrival of spring, for its famous festival of the Italian song which in general takes place in February and its cycle race Milan-San Remo in March, most prestigious of traditional Italian.

But this charming city which dominates the sea Ligure is also appreciated for its soft climate and its tourist infrastructures which make it possible to pass there from the weekend or stays enough sympathetic nerves.

click to enlargeIts tourist vocation goes back to the XIXe century. They are Russian who them first chooses this destination whose climate allures them. Thus the elite of the Russian nobility remains there regularly, just like the Empress of Austria Elisabeth de Wittelsbach, more known under the name of Sissi. It's at this period which the construction of its villas Art nouveau will begin that we can admire still today and it is at the Belle Epoque that was built the casino (Italy has only 4 of them) to divert all this nobility.     top of the page

click to enlargeBut the history of San Remo does not begin at the XIXe century, the city known a strong growth at the time Roman, then medieval and if you walk in the city and her surroundings, you will be able find vestiges of this time there, like the cathedral San Siro partly of XIIIe, the oratory of Immacolata Concezione of XVIe century with frescos of Merano, the church of Santo Stefano altered by the Jesuits with XVIIe. The orthodoxe church of San Basilioas for it, goes back to the XXe click to enlargecentury and watch well the importance and the influence of the Russian community at this time there.

To discover partly also the palate Borea d' Olmo of the XVIIIe century, today museum of archeology whose exposed parts go from the prehistoric time and at the time Roman, as well as the Ormond villa with its park, and the Nobel villa, residence of the Swedish scientist, of XIXe.

click to enlargeSide sea, San Remo has a new marina, being able to accommodate up to 800 boats, but also 13 beaches with the blue houses, 2 protected marine reserves which are Portofino and Cinque Terre and the “Sanctuary of the Marine mammals” where it is possible to practice tourism whaler through excursions at the day. And of the sports like the diving, the veil with surfing or the kitesurf are also possible.     top of the page

Side ground, you will find a golf: 18 holes Par 69, 5203 meters. 15 routes, for impassioned trekking click to enlargeand VTT. For the amateurs of excursions, it will be the occasion to discover a flora and of a fauna typically Liguriennes. And for those which excel in climbing, the collar of Langan should allure them.     top of the page

So today the elegance of the city grew blurred a little with time, San Remo doesn't remain about it less one pleasant place, offering many facets and activities, being able to combine agreeably calm and idleness, events and festivals.


click to enlargeYou need more informations about the city of San Remo, contact: info@itinerairesbis.com     top of the page

The market days in San Remo are Tuesdays and Saturdays Piazza Eroi Sanremesi


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